What is application development for mobile devices?

What is application development for mobile devices?

Claudia Roca

Jan 3, 2023

Jan 3, 2023

Jan 3, 2023

What is application development for mobile devices?
What is application development for mobile devices?
What is application development for mobile devices?

Do you want to pursue a career that will give you a bright future? You definitely need to take a look at what application development has to offer. 

Let's be honest: what's the first thing you do when you turn on your phone? That's right, you open an app, maybe a social network or the site of your choice, but this routine is implemented in your mind and it's very difficult to get it out. 

Well, this shows that people are becoming more and more dependent on cell phones, which means that this is a trend that will not change in the upcoming years. 

Thus, learning how to create apps will be like having an ace up your sleeve to develop all kinds of solutions just by having an idea in your head. 

Would you like to know what this is all about?

What is application development?

We define application development as the set of processes that allow the development of programs for mobile devices, both phones and tablets. 

It all began with traditional software development. With the proliferation of mobile devices, programmers had to improve the functionalities of these platforms to meet the needs of the market. 

Today, two operating systems prevail, Android and iOs. Both of them share the same programming fundamentals, although they differ in small details to adjust the programs to each system. 

In this regard, to develop an app successfully, it's necessary to have software development tools that allow you to create your program on a specific operating system. 

Afterwards, an application programming interface (API) is used to integrate the hardware and software, so that they communicate with each other and the project can take off once and for all. 

Types of mobile apps

It's harder to find someone who doesn't own a computer than someone who doesn't own a smartphone. Trends have changed and this has an impact on the job market, so you need to be aware of user behavior to use it to your advantage. 

Each program works differently and it will all depend on what the customer needs. Therefore, for you to memorize it as much as possible, we will give you a list of the most used types of mobile apps today: 

1. Native Apps

Let's start with native apps. They are apps that use integrated development environments (IDE) and different languages and then install them in the operating systems. 

They give you the possibility of adding different functions, although to do so, you will have to pay an additional fee. It's one of the most popular options at the moment. 

2. Hybrid Apps

Meanwhile, hybrid apps are web applications that also work as mobile platforms. 

Most of the time we find that they are programmed through html and css and are much more cost-effective than native ones, plus they give you the possibility to create it in less time. 

However, their main disadvantage is that they don't allow you to create as many functions, so in the end you will have to choose what best suits your project. 

3. Progressive apps

Progressive apps are websites that look and behave as if they were a mobile version, but the reality is that they are desktop sites. 

They are often developed with technologies such as Facebook React which gives you the possibility to customize it to your liking. 

4. Encapsulated apps

Encapsulated apps are those that run inside a container application. 

Their operation is explained through options such as Microsoft Power App's drag-and-drop app creation tool. This way, you will be able to create a competitive app without having advanced programming skills. 

However, you have to take into account that they are not completely isolated from the operating system and constantly present new features, which means that they constantly present problems. 

5. Frameworks and libraries

Frameworks and libraries are codes that were written by someone else and are 100% reusable elsewhere. 

Still not very skilled as a programmer? Well, don't worry, with this alternative you will be able to rely on the knowledge of third parties to shape your project. 

How much does it cost to create an app?

How much does it cost to create an app for my company? This is one of the most common questions that entrepreneurs ask themselves, and there is a rumor that says that to have your own app you have to invest a lot of money. 

Pay close attention because below we will eliminate any preconceptions you may have in your head. Let's see: 

1. Apps without code

The first option you have for creating your app is the no-code app, where you can develop your platform without the need to have great knowledge in programming. 

Of course, the app must have the basic functions for you to be able to do it. 

How can you achieve this? Currently there are programs like GoodBarber, Appery.io or Shoutem that give you the possibility of creating the structure of your app in a very short time. 

The only thing you have to keep in mind is that the application you will get will be quite simple, but in most cases it will meet the needs of the business. 

2. Enterprise Apps

Meanwhile, business apps do require a higher degree of knowledge but don't require you to be an expert in the field. 

The good news is that there are now tools like Medix, Microsoft Power Suite and HoneyCode that give you such an intuitive interface that you only have to drag and drop to manage all the content. 

Of course, as an enterprise application you will have to pay, but the price is cheaper than you thought. Currently we find packages for up to 50 dollars a month, an amount that may fit your business budget. 

3. Mobile optimized website

Another alternative you have is the mobile optimized website, one of the best options at your disposal to increase the traffic of your project. 

In this case you do require a higher budget and basic knowledge of mobile programming.

Most of the programs we showed you in the previous section can work for you, but it's important that you verify the needs of your project in order to choose the right platform. 

In this sense, optimizing a site for mobile can cost about 100 dollars a month, so take this into account before making the decision. 

4. Complex Apps

Just as there are organizations that only need an app for simple functions, the reality is that there are others that need sites with many specifications to achieve their goals. 

There are companies that require artificial intelligence functions, facial recognition or even interactive games to entertain the user. 

In these cases the budget can exceed $200,000, so think carefully before choosing. 

types of apps

Steps for creating an app

Are you determined to create your first app? Well, you've come to the right place, because below we will show you step by step how to create an app from scratch. 

Pay close attention and take note: 

1. Ask yourself questions to create your strategy

You can't develop your strategy if you don't ask yourself the right questions first. This is where it all starts, so write down the following questions so you can move forward steadily: 

  • What goal am I pursuing with this app?

  • What kind of problems am I trying to solve?

  • Are there already other options on the market?

  • Do I need a team or can I work individually?

  • How long will the project take?

Address each one individually and accurately before moving on to the next question. 

2. Select your team

Maybe you decided to work on your own or on the contrary you need a team that will be with you 24 hours a day. 

Well, the key is to choose the right allies to help you deliver the expected result. 

Evaluate their profiles, employment history, specific knowledge and level of responsibility. In the end this will make the difference between success and failure in the project.

3. Determine how the app will solve the client's needs.

At this point it's a good idea to make a sketch to write down how the app will work and what added value it will provide to the user. 

The best of all is that you can do it on paper or on your computer and it's called a prototype. However, if you decide to do it on a device, you can use programs such as Adobe Experiencie Design and Invision to capture your brainstorming. 

4. Product roadmap

If you already have the sketch of the application it's time to develop the roadmap according to what you specified in the previous steps. 

Here you will know what the priorities are and what you need to focus on to build the solution in a relatively short time. 

5. Choose the right tools

Since cave times, humans have needed tools to survive. First there was the needle, which made it possible to sew the first clothes and thus humans began to protect themselves from the extreme climate of those times. 

Well, we are in 2022 and we still need tools to achieve our goals, especially if we want to create a successful app. 

In this case, you will need programming environments such as the ones mentioned in the previous sections, which will help you shape the project. Choose the one that fits your needs and budget and let us know how it goes. 

6. Start

Okay, now the moment of truth has arrived. The previous steps are all about gathering all the requirements, but there comes a time when you have to let go of your fears and start working. 

Everyone does it their own way, but the DevOps method has gained a lot of popularity in recent months. Some of its features are: 

  • Automate as much as possible

  • Use cloud storage such as Drive to back up all your information. 

  • Don't forget about open source tools

  • Communicate clearly and concisely with your team

  • Test the code to find possible flaws

7. Share with investors and other members of the organization

It's important that once you have the first version of the project, you show it to the organization so they can start using it and test how good the app is at this stage. 

What do you get from this? Necessary feedback that will help improve the program. 

How to learn to program apps?

No matter how much you want to isolate yourself from technology, nowadays it's essential to have at least one smartphone to do most of your activities. 

That's why we think that learning to program is an excellent decision to take a leap in your career.

Would you like to take a look at the steps you need to follow to master one of today's most sought-after skills?

1. Set a goal

It may sound obvious, but the first step you have to take is setting a goal for what you want to achieve with your app. 

No two platforms are looking for the same thing. Some want to improve their market positioning, others want to promote their new product or increase their conversion rate. 

What are you looking for? Answer this question and you will be ready to start. 

2. Start studying

Everything related to mobile technology and programming requires a lot of study and preparation. However, nowadays there are so many alternatives to learn for free or at low cost that it's difficult to choose an option. 

Enroll in an academy like ours and do a master's degree in mobile programming. Another alternative if you don't have the resources is to consume blogs and youtube videos to learn the basics of the industry. 

No matter what you choose, the relevant thing is that you take it seriously and look for a way to become a professional. 

3. Choose your operating system

As you saw in the previous paragraphs, programs differ depending on the operating system they will run on. 

Therefore, your next step should be to choose the system you will work on. For this you can study your target customer and evaluate if he/she uses more iOs or Android. 

Today we wanted to bring this topic up so you can fulfill your dream of becoming an app developer. 

The truth is that you just need discipline and patience. We are sure that if you meet these requirements you will be able to make the leap faster than you can imagine. 

Are you ready? Let us know in the comments!